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Is a Nutrition & Fitness Certificate Online Right for You?
The phrase "you are what you eat" is increasingly relevant in a modern society beset with challenges like vending machines, fast-food restaurants and a sedentary lifestyle. With restaurants now legally mandated to print caloric and fat content in their menus, it's no secret that the American diet is a foremost national concern. That is where dietiticians and nutritionists come in.
Nutrition & Fitness Certificate Online
This could be a career that is just as diverse as the menus it creates and the patients or clients it serves. For example, hospitals often employ in-house or contracted dietitians and nutritionists to prepare customized meal plans for patients. On any given day on the job, these creative-yet-methodical professionals could be responsible for developing low-sodium menus for patients with renal failure; low-calorie meals for heart patients; or low-sugar dishes for patients with diabetes.
If you are a current healthcare practitioner who wishes to incorporate the holistic and chemical benefits of nutrition into your practice, enrolling in a nutrition & fitness certificate online could be one of the most convenient ways to do so. Without committing to the time-consuming demands of an on-campus bachelor- or master-level program, you could enjoy studying via online curriculum platforms.
A nutrition & fitness certificate online explores topics like alternative therapies, health risk assessment, intervention and evaluation and obesity are discussed, through the cultural prism of community health. You could learn some important capabilities, like making risk assessments of certain communities (such as poor diets in inner cities), learning how to creatively develop wellness and education programs targeted to such at-risk communities, monitoring how effective such programs are, all while managing budgets and finances to achieve such objectives.
Steeped in the principles of life science as well as physical science, an online program in nutrition science could appeal to students with a scientific curiosity in how various foods and beverages affect anatomy. Online courses explore values, research methods, ethics, and administrative knowledge that may be applied to a wide range of healthcare fields. For a more clinical perspective on applying nutrition to prevent and fight debilitating diseases, you may wish to opt for a program in clinical nutrition. Graduates may be taught to take an investigative approach that may be directly applicable to real-world clinical scenarios in clinics, consultancy and various healthcare-based industries.