"Mini-Guide" to Becoming a Carpenter Online

become a carpenterCarpenters work with contractors, development companies, independent laborers to help with the construction and renovation of buildings, structures and interior spaces.

The carpentry industry involves utilizing specialized skills for the purpose of construction, installation and repair of structures and fixtures made of wood, plywood, and wallboard, using carpenter's hand tools and power tools.

Carpenters' knowledge of materials, methods, and tools for construction, as well as their understanding of reading blueprints, practical engineering application, and following safety codes make them a key component to the construction industry.

  • 1 What do carpenters do?

  • 2 What are some common charasteristics of good carpenters?

  • 3 What is the work environment like for carpenters?

  • 4 What kind of educational background is needed to become a carpenter?

  • 5 What salary is typical for carpenters?

  • 6 What is the outlook like for the carpentry industry?


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