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With hundreds of schools and thousands of degree programs available, eLearners.com helps you pursue your dreams. Whether you’re looking for associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s degree programs, we’ll help you find the one that’s right for you. Just answer a few questions at right. It only takes a few moments, and you could be matched with a school that meets your needs and conforms to the standards required for accreditation. Need more convincing? How about these facts:
People with a college degree enjoy 61% higher earnings than those without one1
The unemployment rate for people who have a bachelor’s or higher degree is 1/2 the rate for high school graduates1
87% of human resource professionals agree that online degrees are viewed more favorably today2
1 bls.gov/opub/ooq/2006/fall/art03.pdf
2 shrm.org/about/pressroom/PressReleases/Pages
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