Online Associates Degree in Entrepreneurship

Taking small but significant steps to one day become your own boss could start with earning an  Associates Degree in Entrepreneurship Online. This type of degree is geared toward teaching the elements of how to start a small business, from ideation through operation. Small businesses and the entrepreneurs who start them are crucial to the American economy. In fact, the number of business that were less than one-year-old climbed pretty steadily from 2010 to 2015. Also, so did the number of people who were employed by small businesses.i If you aspire to be one of the people creating jobs and making your idea into a business, read on for information about associates degrees in entrepreneurship.

Associates Degree in Entrepreneurship Online

Advice to the Budding Entrepreneur

Cash doesn’t solve every problem. Knowing when to spend the cash and when to put in the sweat equity is the most frequent question you’ll be asking yourself. When in doubt though, put in the sweat equity.

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- Paul Lemley, Founder and Chief Digital Strategist for Lemley Media

Basics of Accredited Online Associates Degrees in Entrepreneurship

Does a degree in entrepreneurship sound pretty broad to you? Because there are many types of businesses, earning an associates degree in entrepreneurship may open the door to pursue small business creation in any number of industries. This type of degree program may also help prepare you to take over an existing business.

This program teaches the steps that a person takes to get a business off the ground, from developing a business plan to strategizing for future growth. This type of program will also instruct about customer and employee relations, communications, sales and business plan presentations, and innovation for expansion. The faculty in these programs typically have experience in small business management. Their job is to prepare students to graduate with the knowledge to run a small business, earn profits, and run forecasting for the future.

There are typically no prerequisites to enroll in this degree program, other than having earned a high school diploma or GED and being a citizen or permanent resident of the country.

When searching for this program, you may find that ‘associate in business administration’ programs keep turning up, but not for entrepreneurship or small business. You might be able to enroll in a business administration program that has the option to specialize in entrepreneurship or small business. The schools you’re interested in should be able to let you know if there is an entrepreneurship focus there or not.

Did You Know?

Of all the types of small businesses, healthcare and social assistance consistently have the highest survival rates over time. i

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Coursework to Earn an Associates Degree in Entrepreneurship Online

You probably want to know what kind of classes you’ll take if you decide to earn your associates degree in entrepreneurship online. The courses you’ll likely encounter will vary depending on which school you choose to enroll at. But some common coursework related to small business management includes these topics.

  • Forecasting and Budgeting
  • Small Business and E-Commerce
  • Business Plan Writing and Development for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses
  • Small Business Management and Operations
  • Human Resources Management

You may also be required to take courses that are common to similar programs, such as associates in business administration programs. Some of these  may include the following courses.

  • Introduction to Management
  • Accounting or Payroll Accounting
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Statistics and Business Math
  • Customer Service

Many of these courses will help you develop a well-rounded, entrepreneurial business sense that is key to operating a small business. An Associates Degree in Entrepreneurship Online program may consist of 90 credits, split between major credits (from courses that relate only to this subject), core credits (earned in more general studies courses), and elective credits. The amount of credits you can realistically take on each semester will determine how long it takes you to earn this degree. It typically takes two years of full-time study to earn an Associates Degree in Entrepreneurship Online.

What Is Entrepreneurship?

There is a difference between going for your online associates in entrepreneurship and being enrolled in an associates in business administration program. A student earning their business administration degree may pursue a number of different business-related jobs after graduation, such as management, financial planning, or accounting.

Entrepreneurship deals strictly with owning and operating a business, which may start small and possibly grow. An entrepreneur often has a business idea or plans to take ownership of a business and then may become responsible for making all business decisions. If you plan on pursing a business-related career path, you may want to consider business administration programs. But if you want to own your own business or take over a business, then you’re in the right place to find out about associates degree in entrepreneurship!

Types of Online Associates in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Degrees

In your research to find an ideal degree program for you, you may come across different program names. You can narrow down your search by using our subject selection tool. Some program titles that are associated with this type of degree focus are:

  • A.A.S. in Business Administration - Small Business Management
  • A.A.S. in Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
  • Associate of Business Administration - Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship Degree Specialization
  • Associate Degree - Entrepreneurship & Small Business

Did You Know?

In 2014, 15 million people identified themselves as “self-employed.” Entrepreneurs who call themselves "my own boss" account for about 10% of the overall workforce in America. ii

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After Graduating from an Entrepreneur Associates Degree

So what can you do with an associates degree in entrepreneurship? The most obvious answer is… start your own business! However, maybe you looked at earning your associates degree in entrepreneurship online as a starting off point. In the 2012 through 2013 school year, more bachelors degrees were earned in business (361,000) than any other fieldiii.

You may choose to start your business and attempt to grow it after earning your entrepreneur associates degree. If you’re hungry for more knowledge and education, you may choose to earn your bachelor’s degree in business administration or a master’s degree in business administration.

No matter what you do, here are some facts about entrepreneurship to think aboutiv:

  • The majority of all U.S. sales (54%) are made by 28 million small businesses.
  • Small businesses have added 8 million jobs to the country since 1990.
  • Of all commercial space rented in America, 30-50% are occupied by the small business sector (totaling about 20-34 billion square feet).
  • The amount of small businesses in the U.S. has increased 49% over the last 35 years.
  • Most businesses in the U.S. are unincorporated nonemployers, which means they’re owned by one person. There were approximately 23 million noneemployer firms in 2012.ii

Your Next Step

If you’ve decided to go ahead with your plan to earn your Entrepreneur Associates Degree, then congratulations! Hopefully, the degree program will teach you all the skills and knowledge you need to get your business off the ground or to take over an existing business. Browse through our sponsored listings to find out which ones you’d like to apply to. The schools listed are equipped to answer any questions you have about transfer credits, enrollment dates, and prerequisites. If being your own boss is your dream, don’t put off earning your degree for yet another year!

[i] [ii]  [iii] [iv]