PhD Real Estate

PhD in Real Estate Online Programs offer working professionals the opportunity to learn the best ways to manage, administer and sell property without disrupting their ongoing career.

Why Consider Earning a PhD in Real Estate Online?

Earning a PhD in Real estate online may be a great way to establish expertise, or prepare for potential careers in research, teaching or consulting. Real estate professionals handle more than just sales. From finding potential purchasers to negotiating contracts, understanding financial risks and proper construction protocol, there are many aspects to this field.


In 2014, 251 Real Estate Development Degrees were awarded.i

What Are PhD Real Estate Online Programs?

PhD in Real Estate online programs make accessible the highest type of degree in the field of property management via web-based courses. Earning a PhD in real estate management typically involves learning advanced topics and research methodology, plus devoting a substantial amount of time to research (i.e. data collection and analysis). To complete the requirements of a PhD, real estate and property management doctoral students usually must submit and defend a dissertation based on original knowledge in an area of interest.

Potential PhD real estate research areas might include:

  • Real estate economics
  • Finance and mortgage
  • Housing economics
  • Gentrification
  • Urban land use
  • Construction management

Real Estate PhD: Potential Time to Completion

Program lengths vary, so always double check with the school you are considering. But if you are wondering about how long it might take to earn a PhD in Real Estate Management, it might take about four years.

PhD Real Estate Programs: Potential Admissions Requirements

Admission to a PhD in Real estate online program is likely to depend on the program you are interested in. Most graduate programs require students to possess at least a Bachelors degree from an accredited college. If you are pursuing a PhD in real estate finance, you might need a strong background in finance and economics, or perhaps a Masters degree in property management. Check with prospective graduate schools to ensure you are well-prepared.

PhD Real Estate: Potential Course Topics

Earning a PhD in real estate development may give you the opportunity to learn specific techniques, theories or strategies for different types of managed properties (e.g. residential, vacation, commercial real estate, industrial warehouse space). The real estate and property management discipline might deal with four distinct areas:

  1. Marketing and finance
  2. Tenant occupancy
  3. Different facilities
  4. Administration, strategy and risk

Course topics are usually influenced by the type of program. In other words, a PhD in real estate development might offer a different syllabus than a PhD in real estate management. Refer, as always, to your prospective school. Some potential courses might include:ii

  • Negotiation
  • Budget
  • Business administration
  • Strategic management
  • Accounting

Find an Accredited PhD in Real Estate

Browse sponsored listings for online PhD Real Estate Programs from regionally accredited universities. Use our on-page navigation to contact prospective graduate schools.

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