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Benefits of an Online Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies
Some people practice religion. Others study religions. Some do both If you want to explore religious questions and traditions, learn different ways of expressing belief, and can welcome many points of view, studying for an online bachelor degree in religion may be for you. If you are a "people person," someone who enjoys interacting and working with many different types of people, so much the better, because religion involves reaching out as well as looking inward.
While studying for your online bachelors degree in biblical studies, you'll do a lot of research, reading, and writing, and discuss your ideas with your fellow students and professors. Being able to speak and read the language of the area you're studying allows you to understand original research material. If you are musical, some schools offer a major in sacred music.
A sample curriculum of an online bachelors degree in biblical studies will likely include "large-lens" subjects such as ethics, logic, philosophy, religious traditions, comparative religion, the Qur'an, the Bible, women and religion, women and Islam, myths and rituals, social concerns, Holy Land histories, religious history and politics, religion and science, anthropology, and the influence of technology and ecology on religious beliefs and practices.
Other classes in your bachelor degree program will focus intently on a specific religion such as Sufism, Zionism, Native American religions, Christian studies, Judaism through the ages, African American Religion, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islamic traditions, or a part of the world, like Japan, Korea, South America, or Africa.
At the end of your undergraduate studies, an essay or thesis on a topic of your choice that reflects on your progress is usually required.
In addition to working in church leadership positions, those who hold a bachelor degree in religion have found career paths in business, counseling, law, medicine, marketing, museums, and publishing. Religion majors have gone on to become chaplains, hospital counselors, youth ministers, directors of religious education, marriage and family therapists, rehab counselors, religion teachers, and theological librarians.