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A.A.S. in Network Administration Degree Programs
Many people may think of the Internet as computers and devices almost magically communicating through the air by WiFi signal. The truth is that the field still has a lot to do with hardware grounded deeply in the physical world. Consider the millions of servers, networking lines, computer cables, and other kinds of equipment needed to bring this technology to life! A potentially effective way to get involved in this field is to earn your Associate Degree in Computer Networking. Browse and apply for A.A.S. in Information Technology and Network Administration Associate degree programs right here!
Associate Degree in Computer Networking
There’s actually a lot of nuts-and-bolts mechanics behind computing. So there need to be people who know their way around computers, networks, and computing equipment, and how they all function, interact, and communicate. And earning a computer networking associate’s degree may help you pursue a career in this field!
An Overview of the Telecom Field
First let’s talk about what we mean by telecommunications. It literally means communications over a distance. But it’s also a kind of catch-all term that refers to any technology that communicates over a distance, from the telegraph to landlines to the Internet. Of course, the Internet [i] is the main focus of telecommunications in the 21st century.
Computer networking is a closely related field that focuses on the connections between computers, whether it’s two laptops in the same building or a massive worldwide network of interconnected computers. Working in computer networking may involve the support and maintenance of these systems both physically and digitally.
An associate degree in computer networking may involve plenty of hands-on work as students have an opportunity to learn how to install, maintain, and upgrade network systems. There may be a digital component, with students learning network management software [iv].
Potential Careers for People Who Earn a Computer Networking Associate’s Degree
There are a number of jobs related to telecommunications and networking. An associate degree in computer networking may better qualify candidates for positions that don't necessarily require post-secondary education, or it may put them on the track toward better jobs that demand more certification. No matter the path people choose, there are plenty of jobs which may be performed by someone who has earned an associate's degree in the related field.
Line installers and repairers may only need a high school diploma or the equivalent. But for computer operators, the majority have an associate’s degree.[vi]
You may be able to jumpstart a career in the following fields with a computer networking associate’s degree:
- Computer Operator [vii]
- Broadcast and sound engineering technician [viii]
- Computer support specialist [ix]
What Is the Potential Salary?
The wide range of rapidly changing technologies means that the potential incomes may vary in this field. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides insight into the annual median wages and job outlook for positions in these fields, according to data gathered in 2015.
- Telecommunications equipment installers: median annual wage $54,570 (-4 percent job growth expected through 2024) [x]
- Line installers and repairers: $61,430 (6 percent job growth expected through 2024) [xi]
- Computer, ATM and office machine repairers: $36,840 (3 percent job growth expected through 2024) [xiii]
- Broadcast and sound engineering technicians: $41,480 (7 percent job growth expected through 2024) [xiv]
- Computer support specialists: $51,470 (12 percent job growth expected through 2024) [xv]
Skills That May Be Required
Depending upon the job, telecommunications and computer networking positions generally require an understanding of computer hardware and software and other kinds of electronic equipment. In addition to technical knowledge, workers may also need to demonstrate aptitude in problem-solving when it comes to installation and repair. [xvi]
What’s Next?
Are you thinking that you might be interested in pursuing an online telecommunications degree? Look over the sponsored listings on this page to see there is a university or program that feels like the perfect fit for you!
[i]en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunication [ii]en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_network [iii]elearners.com/colleges/kaplan-university/aas-in-information-technology-network-administration-7612/ [iv]elearners.com/colleges/laurus-college/information-technologies-network-systems-196431/ [v]bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/line-installers-and-repairers.htm [vi]onetonline.org/link/summary/43-9011.00 [vii]onetonline.org/link/summary/43-9011.00 [viii]bls.gov/ooh/media-and-communication/broadcast-and-sound-engineering-technicians.htm [ix]bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/computer-support-specialists.htm [x]bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/telecommunications-equipment-installers-and-repairers-except-line-installers.htm