Electrical Engineering Online Degree Programs & Schools

Online Electrical Engineering Degree Programs may be offered at the undergrad and graduate levels. These programs may be designed either for aspiring or experienced electrical engineers. While many are professionally oriented—aiming to equip engineers with the skills and knowledge they need to bring into the field—some may also be scholarly, focused primarily on performing electrical engineering research to advance the field.

Electrical engineering may cross over with other related areas of engineering, such as computer engineering. This means the curriculum may also share concepts with those programs. Typically, a bachelors is considered entry-level education in electrical engineering.i As such, graduate level degree and certificate programs may require experience as a prerequisite to apply.

Electrical Engineering Online Courses

Electrical engineering degree online programs are designed to help students hone skills they may need in the field. However, what that means could vary significantly, based on the type of electrical engineering the program focuses on, the degree level, and the experience level of the students in question.

A masters program open only to students with a professional background in electrical engineering, for example, is likely to focus on advanced and/or specialized concepts. On the other hand, a bachelors or masters designed for students new to the field would probably focus on fundamentals.

Some examples of the types of electrical engineering online courses you may find are listed below.

  • Communication Systems
  • Electromagnetics
  • Power Systems
  • Linear Control Systems
  • Signal Processing
  • Probability Theory

Not every curriculum may contain all of the example courses listed above. Also, each program may cover these concepts differently, with varying emphases and levels of complexity. Specific coursework may also be impacted by concentrations or specializations offered, and even student preference.

Some online electrical engineering degree programs may additionally have requirements that may not be completed online. This could include brief campus residencies, laboratory experiences, or field work.

To learn more about curriculum requirements, contact the schools you’re considering for details.

Types of Online Electrical Engineering Degree Programs

Online electrical engineering degree programs may offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. In most cases, undergraduate programs would be designed for students with little to no experience or prior education in engineering. Graduate programs typically expect students to have some professional or academic experience in the subject. Degree levels offered include but are not limited to the following.

Each degree level may include one or several potential degree types awarded (e.g. Master of Science vs. Master of Engineering). For more information about the differences between degree types offered, follow up with the school in question.

Search for Online Electrical Engineering Degree Programs

Find programs to earn your electrical engineering degree online using eLearners.com. Narrow down your options by choosing your preferred degree level from the drop down menu. Then review the sponsored program listings, and click on Request Info to learn more about them!

source: [i] bls.gov/ooh/architecture-and-engineering/electrical-and-electronics-engineers.htm