If you are planning on being an online early childhood education major, you may find it difficult to fund your education with just your earnings. Early childhood education scholarships and grants for those interested in pursuing these degrees may be available to students who qualify, including those who present financial need or demonstrate exceptional academic performance or community assistance if that is what the scholarship or grant requires. Criteria for each scholarship award varies, and many scholarship opportunities are state or region based, open to residents of a particular state who are committed to being early childhood education majors.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation Scholarship
This foundation offers merit-based, need-based, and Youth Partner Accessing Capital (P.A.C.) scholarships for qualified education students pursuing degrees at the bachelor and graduate levels. Candidates for these scholarships are required to have exhibited community involvement and service in order to apply and be considered.[i]
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH Grant)
This grant may be awarded by the U.S. Department of Education to eligible students who are education majors and who agree to teach in a high-need field for at least four years following graduation.[ii]
Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship
Up to $5,000 of scholarship aid is offered by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) and is geared towards qualified students who plan on teaching in a non-profit, public, or private school at which at least 30% of students are African American/Black, Hispanic American, Asian American, or Native American or the scholarship candidate is of African American/Black, Hispanic American, Asian American or Native American origin.[iii]
Phi Delta Kappa Prospective Educator Scholarships
The Phi Delta Kappa organization awards over 30 scholarships to qualified high school or undergraduate students who intend to become educators and who have an affiliation with the Phi Delta Kappa or the Future Educators Association®.[iv]
The Coca-Cola Foundation Scholarship
Each year, the Coca-Cola Foundation awards over $3.45 million to more than 1,400 qualified college students, many of whom go into the education field. These scholarships may be awarded to high-school seniors who qualify on an achievement basis.[v]
Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation
College students who qualify and apply may be awarded a scholarship ranging from $250 to $2,500 by registering on the Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation website and taking common knowledge quizzes. Students’ scores are then ranked against other competing students in order to be awarded funding.[vi]
Tomorrow’s Teacher Scholarship for Kansas Residents
Eligible candidates include high school seniors in Kansas who plan on earning an education degree at Kansas State University. This merit-based scholarship may be ideal for qualified students who commit their time to volunteering to pursue, as candidates must have completed at least 100 hours of community service in a 12-month period.[vii]
Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship Program
This early childhood education scholarship is for up to $5,000 per academic year and may be awarded to qualified West Virginians who apply based on academic qualifications and their intentions to enter the public preschool, elementary, middle, or secondary education field after graduating.[viii]
[i] akaeaf.org/default.htm [ii] studentaid.ed.gov/types/grants-scholarships/teach [iii] isac.org/students/during-college/types-of-financial-aid/scholarships/minority-teachers-of-illinois-mti-scholarship-program.html#ProgramDescription [iv] pdkintl.org/programs-resources/scholarships-awards/prospective-educator-scholarships/ [v] coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/ [vi] cksf.org/index.cfm?Page=Scholarships [vii] tomorrowsteacher.com/Home.aspx [viii]secure.cfwv.com/Financial_Aid_Planning/Scholarships/Scholarships_and_Grants/Underwood_Smith_Teacher_Scholarship_Program.aspx