It’s no secret that paying for college can be a huge burden to your finances. This is why many students each year take the time to apply to scholarships for college. Who wouldn't love a little help to cover some of your education costs! That’s why the team at eLearners has created two annual scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each to help ease the burden of tuition costs for students!
Easy and Exclusive eLearners Scholarships for College
eLearners Online College Scholarship
Are you enrolled or currently enrolling in an online for-credit college degree program? You may be eligible to enter our brand new exclusive essay scholarship for online students. The winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship! Obviously, you must be participating in an online, for-credit degree program in order to qualify. Whether you’re part-time or full-time you’re eligible. You must be attending (or plan to attend) an accredited post-secondary institution of higher learning. The deadline for this scholarship is February 28, 2017. Visit our Online Students Scholarship page for more information, FAQs and most importantly on how to enter.
The eLearners Scholarship for Military Personnel, Veterans, and Spouses
The men and women of the United States Armed Forces work hard every day to ensure the safety of our great nation, its values, and freedoms. Many of those serving in the Armed Forces have spouses relying on them for financial support. Some military personnel may also have the duty of raising children in their financial picture. We get it! You have a lot on your financial plate! That’s why we’re offering a scholarship worth $1,000 to the United States of America’s eligible military families, including all active military, retired veterans, and even their spouses. For more information on how to apply, visit our military scholarships page and check out our Frequently Asked Questions.The deadline for this scholarship is February 28, 2017.
More Scholarships for College
Scholarships for college are available from a number of sources including government agencies, colleges, religious organizations, philanthropic groups, as well as businesses large and small! These scholarships help millions of American students cover their tuition and education fees each year. We have compiled a few lists by major to help you in your search!