There may be financial aid for nursing students that you can apply for to help fund your education- if you qualify. Below is information to help you take full advantage of every opportunity for nursing scholarships or grants.
What is the difference between a nursing scholarship and a nursing grant?
Nursing scholarships are money given based primarily on merit, such as good grades or school and community involvement, while nursing grants are money given based primarily on financial need. There may be academic standards or other prerequisites to qualify for a grant.
Both are given without any demand for repayment, although some nursing grants may require you to pay back all or part of grant if you drop out of school before graduating.
How do I apply for a federal grant?
You can apply for free online. Go to for the forms.
How do I make the most of my application for nursing scholarships or nursing grants?
- If you have been accepted to a nursing school, check with the financial aid office. They know about government financial aid for nursing students and national and local scholarships for nursing students.
- Organize with a checklist that includes links, deadlines and other important information.
- Know your audience. If you are applying for a non-government scholarship or grant, research the organization so you can highlight aspects of your education and experience that will impress them.
- Read the application carefully before beginning. If you can, print a copy of the application and fill it out for practice.
- If you have to write an essay, make time for editing and re-writing. Have someone else proofread the essay, and don’t rely on spell- checking software. Print out a copy and re-read it aloud before submitting.
- Double-check everything before you submit your application.
Are all nursing scholarships and nursing grants I see online legitimate?
No. According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, there are student aid scams that are fronts for identity theft.I
How can I protect myself when looking for nursing scholarships and nursing grants?
- Never give out personal information such as your Social Security number or bank account number without thoroughly investigating who you are doing business with. Make sure to check their privacy policy for how your information will be used, and get guarantees in writing.
- If it sounds too good to be true, run. Money-back guarantees and unsolicited claims that you have been selected or are a finalist for a grant or scholarship are red flags.
- You don’t need to pay someone to apply for nursing scholarships or grants. You can apply for federal aid for free online at, and your state government offices and website can direct you to free resources for aid.
Scholarships for Nursing Students
NURSE Corps Scholarship Program:IIThis U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration program pays tuition, eligible fees, expenses such as books and uniforms, and a monthly stipend. In return, recipients of this nursing scholarship program must work for two years after graduation in a facility that has a shortage of health care professionals, as determined by the government. You must, among other requirements, be a United States citizen, U.S. national, or lawful permanent U.S. resident, be enrolled in or admitted to an accredited school of nursing in the U.S., and be free of service obligations.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing/ $5,000 scholarships, awarded four times a year. Must be admitted to or enrolled in an eligible nursing school affiliated with or have submitted an application through nursing’s centralized application service, NursingCAS.
Hurst Reviews/American Association of Colleges of Nursing:IV$2,500. Must be enrolled at AACN-member school.
AfterCollege/American Association of Colleges of Nursing:V$2,500. Special consideration is given to those who are in a graduate program with the goal to become a nurse educator, completing an RN-to-BSN or RN-to-MSN program, and enrolled in an accelerated program.V
American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees Family Scholarship:VII $2,000. For graduating high school seniors who have a parent, guardian or financially responsible grandparent who is a full dues-paying AFSCME member; is enrolled full-time at an accredited four-year college or two-year college that will transfer credits to a four-year college; and has taken the SAT or the ACT.
Daughters of the American Revolution nursing scholarships:VIII$1,000. The DAR offers several scholarships for nursing students attending or accepted to an accredited school of nursing.
Charlotte McGuire Scholarships:IX The American Holistic Nurses Association awards these scholarships, named after the organization’s founder. Applicants must, among other requirements, be current AHNA members pursuing a holistic nursing education, and have a 3.0 or higher GPA.
Stephanie Carroll Scholarship:XXAcceptance into an accredited nursing program and a commitment to working in long-term care or geriatric nursing is required.
National Black Nurses Association scholarships:XI$1,000-$5,000. Among the requirements, applicants must be an NBNA member and currently enrolled in a nursing program.
National Student Nurses Association scholarships:XII$1,000-$5,000. Several scholarships available. Applicants must be currently enrolled in an accredited nursing program.